Implementing physics education research to inform and enhance pedagogical approaches

Brian Bowe


Since 1999 the School of Physics in the Dublin Institute of Technology has been critically analysing its pedagogical strategies, leading to a reconsideration of teaching, learning and assessment practices. In 2001, the Physics Education Research Group was established to develop, implement and evaluate pedagogical initiatives in physics education and to undertake rigorous education research studies to inform and evaluate these developments. Various innovative pedagogical approaches including problem-based learning, project-based learning, peer instruction and eLearning have been implemented. These pedagogical developments were informed by education research studies which examined student learning, lecturers’ conceptions of learning and teaching and group interactions and dynamics. Further education research studies are continually carried out to evaluate all pedagogical approaches in order to enhance and continually
improve the students’ learning experience. These studies, which include both qualitative and quantitative methods, are conducted primarily using phenomenography, action research or evaluative research approaches.

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