“Broadening horizons” optional modules in the Nottingham MPharm degree


  • Sue Chan University of Nottingham




Electives, optional modules, MPharm, pharmacy


In Year 3 of the MPharm degree at the University of Nottingham, many of the students undertake 20-credits of “broadening horizons” optional modules, chosen from a wide and diverse range from across the university. This study presents student views regarding their module choices and on their performances with such diverse module choices of varied levels. Follow-up surveys and focus group discussions with alumni will determine the contribution of this breadth to a student’s education, in providing them with a different perspective on life, to their chosen profession and future career paths.

Keywords: Electives, optional modules, MPharm, pharmacy


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How to Cite

Chan, S. (2016). “Broadening horizons” optional modules in the Nottingham MPharm degree. New Directions in the Teaching of Natural Sciences, (11). https://doi.org/10.29311/ndtps.v0i11.593



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