Computer aided assessment and feedback – can we enhance students’ early experience at University?
This project, funded by LTSN Physical Sciences (Learning and Teaching Support Network - now superseded by the Higher Education Academy Physical Sciences Centre) and FAST (Formative Assessment in Science Teaching) was primarily concerned with the production and evaluation of computer assisted assessment (CAA) materials to support students in the first year of chemistry programmes. A number of short assessment packages, designed to offer students formative feedback, have been written and incorporated into WebCT. Questions were chosen to exemplify a range of styles and were made available to students over the University computer network. The most important aspect of the work was the feedback offered to students within the quizzes, which was written in conjunction with undergraduate students to ensure its usefulness.
The effectiveness of the approach was evaluated by asking students to complete a questionnaire and by targeted interviews. The vast majority of the cohort (> 80%) used the quizzes, most to gain formative feedback and some as a revision aid prior to end-ofunit examinations. This communication will summarise our findings and highlight some of the advantages and drawbacks in using electronic feedback.
Although there was a very significant set-up time involved as well as an on-going need for student support in using the packages, student reaction was positive and examination performance was enhanced over previous years. Although firm conclusions cannot be drawn from one year’s data, these results together with the very positive reaction from the students encourage us to further develop the approach.