Supporting student collaboration in online breakout rooms through interactive group activities


  • David Read University of Southampton
  • Stephen M Barnes University of Southampton
  • Oliver Hughes University of Southampton
  • Iveta Ivanova Kings College London
  • Annabelle Sessions University of Southampton
  • Paul J Wilson University of Southampton



Blended learning, Online learning, Active learning, Peer learning, Group work


Many instructors globally reported a lack of engagement in synchronous online sessions during the Covid-19 lockdowns. This article outlines the use of collaborative small group tasks mediated via breakout rooms in Teams during the 2020/21 academic year. The rationale for the activities, which are available for download, is described along with details of the evaluation of their impact. Key findings were that a majority of students reported enjoying the tasks and felt that they improved their learning during online sessions.


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How to Cite

Read, D., Barnes, S. M., Hughes, O., Ivanova, I., Sessions, A., & Wilson, P. J. (2022). Supporting student collaboration in online breakout rooms through interactive group activities. New Directions in the Teaching of Natural Sciences, (17).