The Application of Bloom’s Taxonomy to Higher Education Examination Questions in Physics


  • Samantha Louise Pugh University of Leeds
  • Jessica Gates University of Leeds



Physics, Exams, Bloom's Taxonomy


Examination papers were analysed using a methodology based on Bloom’s Taxonomy to identify the cognitive skills required to complete questions and compare these to the cognition necessary for graduate skills. This research found that examinations access mainly mid to low-level cognition such as recall and apply, while competencies required by employers tend to need higher-level cognition such as synthesis and creation, which are not as commonly tested through examinations. This paper proposes that careful design of examination questions using different measurable verbs could be more effective at encouraging development of higher-level metacognitive skills in formal examinations.

Author Biography

Samantha Louise Pugh, University of Leeds

Director of Student Education


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How to Cite

Pugh, S. L., & Gates, J. (2021). The Application of Bloom’s Taxonomy to Higher Education Examination Questions in Physics. New Directions in the Teaching of Natural Sciences, (16).