Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope


We are proposing a cross-University writing and reviewing project designed to meet three main aims:

1. To increase publication outputs
2. To improve the quality and ethics of reviewing
3. To cultivate a strong and supportive external research environment

Led by the University of Leicester, School of Business this project will see a group of Universities work together to improve the standards of ethical reviewing whilst simultaneously supporting the development of their early career researchers.  RaW is based on a pseudo peer-review journal designed to simulate the academic writing and reviewing process.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process


In RaW, the training journal, academic articles are submitted and reviewed like in a real journal. But in difference to a real journal, the articles are not published by RaW. We aim instead at improving both the academic papers submitted as well as provide training for reviewers. That is right: In RaW not only the papers are reviewed but also the reviews.

Each paper will receive a max of two rounds of reviews. The review themselves will be reviewed by the authors, as well as by members of the editorial board.

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