P3_8 Elysium: How Fast Did the Atmosphere Escape?


  • H. W. Buttery
  • C. J. Middleton
  • C. D.Y. Moore
  • R. H. Peck


In this paper, the rates at which the atmosphere of the roofless Elysium space-station would escape for var- ious atmospheric angular velocities were considered. The resulting relative mass flow rates were calculated to be between 3.6 × 10−5 - 2.4 × 10−4M/s. From these, the times over which the entire atmospheric mass, M, would be replenished ranged between 1.2 - 7.8 hours, leading to an impractical space-station. 




How to Cite

Buttery, H. W., Middleton, C. J., Moore, C. D., & Peck, R. H. (2016). P3_8 Elysium: How Fast Did the Atmosphere Escape?. Physics Special Topics, 15(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/912