A4_4 Adventure Time: A Terrible Fate


  • Emma Miriam Thomas
  • Kerry Marie Ballantine
  • Christopher Thomas Pain
  • Katherine Esther Ward


The theory of Adventure Time suggests that a nuclear bomb's blast provides enough energy to push the Earth into the path of a nearby comet. With the use of astro-dynamics and nuclear physics we find that a Uranium-235 bomb with a mass of 8.73 x 10^14 ± 2.07 x 10^13 kg would need to be “detonated” on Earth to successfully accelerate it into the path of Lexell's Comet.




How to Cite

Thomas, E. M., Ballantine, K. M., Pain, C. T., & Ward, K. E. (2016). A4_4 Adventure Time: A Terrible Fate. Physics Special Topics, 15(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/868