P5 2 A New Solution To Climate Change (ii)


  • Shaswathan Sanjeevvijay
  • Leon Munt
  • George Iordanidis University of Leicester


This paper continues the research done in “A New Solution to Climate Change (i)” and discusses
the feasibility and consequences of negating the effects of climate change via increasing the distance
between the Sun and the Earth. This is accomplished by calculating the energy required to move
the Earth (168 × 10^30 J), the tangential velocity change of the Earth (a 1.6% decrease) and the
resultant change in the period of Earth’s orbit (an increase of 5% to a period of 383 days).




How to Cite

Sanjeevvijay, S., Munt, L., & Iordanidis, G. (2024). P5 2 A New Solution To Climate Change (ii). Physics Special Topics, 23(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/4787