P2 1 Sonic the Hedgehog: the Physics behind the fastest creature alive


  • Charlie Corbett University of Leicester
  • Edward Rowlett
  • Ish Kaur


In this report, we examine the drag forces acting upon Sonic the Hedgehog while running at Mach
1 (343 ms^āˆ’1). By assuming Sonic is a cylindrical object with a surface area of 1.2 m^2, a drag force
of 36 kN and energy consumption rate of 12 MJ sāˆ’1 was found. Our findings suggest that such
velocities would cause significant environmental impacts, including ground deformation and shock
waves, highlighting the real-world limitations he would face.




How to Cite

Corbett, C., Rowlett, E., & Kaur, I. (2024). P2 1 Sonic the Hedgehog: the Physics behind the fastest creature alive. Physics Special Topics, 23(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/4785