A1 2 Armageddon Outta Here!


  • Pippa Holmes
  • Kieran Bujdoso
  • Madeleine Stentiford
  • Andrea Tasyaka


Armageddon is upon us. The brave team of oil rig workers have failed to blow up the Texas- sized asteroid, and it is hurtling straight towards us! Based on Armageddon (1998), this paper will investigate what would happen to humanity if the ‘global killer’ asteroid had actually hit the Earth, and calculates that the diameter of the crater formed, at 7346 km, would be larger than the radius of the planet. It is determined that the effects of this justifies the asteroid’s title of ’global killer’.




How to Cite

Holmes, P., Bujdoso, K., Stentiford, M., & Tasyaka, A. (2024). A1 2 Armageddon Outta Here!. Physics Special Topics, 23(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/4780