A3 1 Is there a hole in my pocket?


  • Ewan Lawson University of Leicester
  • Hugo Ward
  • Joe McBride


In this paper, we investigate the plausibility of the Minecraft inventory space collapsing into a
black hole. We used a maximum size of the inventory of 0.1 mm. We found a full inventory of gold
would have a Schwarzchild radius of 10−20 m. We also found how much mass would be needed to
form a 0.1 mm radius black hole to be in the order of 1022 kg and compared the number of blocks
needed for this to occur to the number of blocks that can exist in a generated world.




How to Cite

Lawson, E., Ward, H., & McBride, J. (2024). A3 1 Is there a hole in my pocket?. Physics Special Topics, 23(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/4768