P3 5 Estimating Hubble's Constant with Redshift


  • Forseti Astrophel University of Leicester
  • Tobias Campbell Miller University of Leicester
  • Eliza Rodgers University of Leicester
  • Orlagh Simpson University of Leicester


Since the discovery of the expanding universe, there have been numerous attempts to determine
Hubble’s constant H_0. In this paper we attempt to estimate Hubble’s constant using known
relationships between expansion and redshift. We found H_0 = 1 × 10−10 s^−1, which is 8 orders of
magnitude greater than the accepted value of H_0 = 2.27 × 10−18 s^−1. Reasons for this discrepancy such as a simplistic model and inclusion of the cosmological constant are outlined in the discussion.




How to Cite

Astrophel, F., Miller, T. C., Rodgers, E., & Simpson, O. (2023). P3 5 Estimating Hubble’s Constant with Redshift. Physics Special Topics, 22(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/4504