A5_12 World's Greatest Pitch


  • Connor Keany University of Leicester
  • Thomas Graham
  • Felix Kaiser
  • Rhys Newland
  • Kishen Pankhania


The goal of this paper was to investigate the possibility of an ordinary human to recreating a scene from the first episode of the series Invincible in which two characters throw a baseball around the Earth. It is determined that this scene would be impossible to recreate on Earth, however it could be done on a planet with a radius of 67.03 x 103m, roughly 1/100th that of Earth.




How to Cite

Keany, C., Graham, T., Kaiser, F., Newland, R., & Pankhania, K. (2022). A5_12 World’s Greatest Pitch. Physics Special Topics, 21(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/4279