A1_1 Making a house go ‘Up’!


  • Natasha Carr University of Leicester
  • Joseph Harrison University of Leicester
  • Ariella McCulloch University of Leicester
  • Joshua Whitaker University of Leicester


This paper will find that the number of helium balloons required to lift Carl’s house is around 456, 000 by using displacement and Archimedes’ Principle, therefore requiring over 20 times the amount of helium in Earth’s atmosphere. Continuing from this, the suggestion of using 423, 000 hydrogen balloons is made, as the synthesis of hydrogen via electrolysis of water could provide the 48,000 m3 of the gas.




How to Cite

Carr, N., Harrison, J., McCulloch, A., & Whitaker, J. (2022). A1_1 Making a house go ‘Up’!. Physics Special Topics, 21(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/4158