A2 6 Conditions for Air to Cast a Shadow


  • Natalia Stylianou University of Leicester
  • Megan Perks University of Leicester
  • Mac McMullan University of Leicester
  • Top Filip University of Leicester


Air is transparent and does not absorb or reflect much light, hence it is improbable to have a shadow. In this article, we determine the conditions under which air can have a visible shadow comparable to the shadow of glass. This is done with refraction, by changing air's refractive index to that of glass, n=1.5. At a temperature of 0^oC, the air pressure needed to cast this shadow was found to be 1.57x10^8 Pa, analogous to the pressure used in high-pressure hydraulic hoses [5]. These are thought to be reasonable conditions to see the shadow of air.




How to Cite

Stylianou, N., Perks, M., McMullan, M., & Filip, T. (2021). A2 6 Conditions for Air to Cast a Shadow. Physics Special Topics, 20(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/3975


