P6_3 Error 404
This paper presents an investigation into the probability of program failure given the amount of RAM usageand run time, due to cosmic ray induced soft errors. Using a model generated by IBM in the 1990s, theĀ failure probability was plotted as a function of both run-time and RAM usage in order to quantify the riskof program failures. It was found that the failure probability increased exponentially to both increasingrun time and rising RAM usage, indicating that these cosmic ray induced single event upsets will pose apotential threat to both terrestrial and space exploration electronic components.Downloads
How to Cite
Strachan-Deol, J., Knowles, K., Thompson, L., & Kelly, A. (2021). P6_3 Error 404. Physics Special Topics, 20(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/3911