P5_8 Out of World Experience


  • Thomas Cox
  • Keaton Penn Fernandez
  • Lara Mead University of Leicester
  • Joshua Seagrave


We investigate the potential for someone skydiving on other worlds if they had protection against the hostile temperatures and pressures. We nd that there are 4 astronomical bodies in the solar system that could potentially be suitable for skydiving with notable examples being Titan where you could glide to safety with just an umbrella (diameter > 88cm) and Mars where you would need a parachute the size of a swimming pool (> 24m) in order to survive.




How to Cite

Cox, T., Penn Fernandez, K., Mead, L., & Seagrave, J. (2020). P5_8 Out of World Experience. Physics Special Topics, 19(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/3716