A4_4 Infinity In Consumption, Or Just In Name?


  • David Jessop University of Leicester
  • Cordelia Brown
  • Sean Brunyee
  • Luke Russell


In the Halo series of video games, the largest man-made ship is the UNSC Innity. In this paper, we calculate that to launch the UNSC Innity to low Earth orbit, it would require 2538 of the space shuttle solid rocket boosters to achieve this. We did this by considering the conservation of momentum and constructing a rocket equation.




How to Cite

Jessop, D., Brown, C., Brunyee, S., & Russell, L. (2020). A4_4 Infinity In Consumption, Or Just In Name?. Physics Special Topics, 19(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/3690