P4_05 Many Abilities some Consider to be Unnatural


  • Robert Savage University of Leicester
  • Thomas Rawlins University of Leicester
  • Rishan Dev Choudhury University of Leicester
  • Adam Hammerton University of Leicester


In this paper we explore some basic physical concepts linked to the ability of casting bolts oflightning from one’s fingers. We find that, if two parallel bolts are cast, they attract each otherwith a force of 140N, additionally the power of each bolt is found to be 10^13W.




How to Cite

Savage, R., Rawlins, T., Dev Choudhury, R., & Hammerton, A. (2020). P4_05 Many Abilities some Consider to be Unnatural. Physics Special Topics, 19(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/3686