A2_4 You May Fire When Ready


  • Adam Hennessy University of Leicester
  • Shangeetha Manivannan University of Leicester
  • Georgina Page University of Leicester
  • Laura Suller


In this paper we consider the energy requirements of the Death Star to destroy Earth and offer two other options for planetary destruction to compare energy usage. We estimate that blowing up the planet would take 2.24 x 10^34 J and deorbiting Earth into the Sun would take 1.11 x 10^36 J. But the most energy efficient method is to bring all water on Earth to boiling point, requiring 1.2 x 10^30 J of energy.




How to Cite

Hennessy, A., Manivannan, S., Page, G., & Suller, L. (2020). A2_4 You May Fire When Ready. Physics Special Topics, 19(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/3685