P2_2 Voyager 1: 43 Years Young


  • Joseph Duggan University of Leicester
  • Gregor Gillan University of Leicester
  • Luke Meehan University of Leicester
  • Alex Tyrrell University of Leicester


In this paper, we investigate the eects relativity has on the age and passing of time on the
Voyager 1 spacecraft. The time dilation experienced due to the speed of the craft is calculated
and compared with the time dilation due to gravity at Earth's surface. We found that Voyager 1
experiences a greater time dilation of 50 ms/year compared to the 22 ms/year on earths surface.




How to Cite

Duggan, J., Gillan, G., Meehan, L., & Tyrrell, A. (2020). P2_2 Voyager 1: 43 Years Young. Physics Special Topics, 19(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/3683