A4_2 The Moon Overwatching Us


  • David Jessop University of Leicester
  • Cordelia Brown
  • Sean Brunyee
  • Luke Russell


In the video game Overwatch, it is possible to determine the radius of the Moon in that world using in game screenshots. In this paper we show this and some of the affects the Moon would have in the world of Overwatch. The moon causes 8 high tides a day with a tidal bulge of 3.78km heavily impacting the habitability of the planet.




How to Cite

Jessop, D., Brown, C., Brunyee, S., & Russell, L. (2020). A4_2 The Moon Overwatching Us. Physics Special Topics, 19(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/3669