A3_6 Tribbling Times


  • Rosie Hodnett University of Leicester
  • Daniel Potts University of Leicester
  • Eleanor Morton University of Leicester
  • Michele Capoccia University of Leicester
  • Sam Shingles University of Leicester


In the Star Trek universe, tribbles are small furry creatures whose population increases exponentially. Using the assumption made by Spock, that a tribble has 10 children every 12 hours, we find the growth constant for a tribble population to be 0.1998. From this, assuming the tribbles have an unlimited food supply, we find that the time needed for the tribble family to grow such that it fills USS Enterprise is 4.5 days.




How to Cite

Hodnett, R., Potts, D., Morton, E., Capoccia, M., & Shingles, S. (2019). A3_6 Tribbling Times. Physics Special Topics, 18(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/3360