A4_7 Would The Odyssey Fly?


  • Beth Henderson University of Leicester
  • Aleisha Hogan University of Leicester
  • Nabeelah Jinnah University of Leicester
  • Jack Terry University of Leicester


The feasibility of the Odyssey being used as a hot air balloon is assessed. The buoyancy force required to lift the Odyssey off the ground is calculated to be 7.051 ×10^6 N , meaning the density of the heated air inside the balloon would need to be -14.97 kgm −3 . This means the Odyssey would not be able to fly, if it were acting as a hot air balloon.




How to Cite

Henderson, B., Hogan, A., Jinnah, N., & Terry, J. (2018). A4_7 Would The Odyssey Fly?. Physics Special Topics, 17(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/2999