P1_5 The View Of The Sun From Alien Worlds


  • Tom Hyde University of Leicester
  • James Cowen
  • Toby Johnstone
  • Gary Sutlieff
  • Patrick Doyle


In this paper, we estimate whether the planets of the Solar System would be detectable by a theoretical extraterrestrial civilisation with a level of technology similar to present day Earth. We found that Jupiter, Earth, and Venus could have been detected already, while Saturn, Uranus and Neptune would be detectable in the future. Mars and Mercury are considered undetectable.




How to Cite

Hyde, T., Cowen, J., Johnstone, T., Sutlieff, G., & Doyle, P. (2018). P1_5 The View Of The Sun From Alien Worlds. Physics Special Topics, 17(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/2974