S2_3 Colonising Neptune


  • Tom Berry University of Leicester
  • Anthony Erojo University of Leicester
  • Ben Taylor University of Leicester


The paper 'Getting comfortable on Neptune' [1] calculated the angular velocity that would be
required to simulate an effective downwards acceleration of 9ms2 at the equator of Neptune, bypartially counter acting the effects of gravity. This paper calculates the percentage of Neptune's surface that would fall within a region of 'habitable' downwards accelerations; estimated to be between 9ms2 and 10ms2. This region was calculated to extend to a distance of 16,800km from the centre of the planet along the axis of rotation, corresponding to 68% of the planets surface.




How to Cite

Berry, T., Erojo, A., & Taylor, B. (2017). S2_3 Colonising Neptune. Physics Special Topics, 16(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/2550