P5_2 Praimfaya: The Second Nuclear Apocalypse


  • Naomi Esther Cook University of Leicester
  • Emily Jane Baldwin
  • Thomas James Beedle
  • Mabel Elisabeth Evershed



In Season 4 of The 100, all of Earth's unattended nuclear reactors melt within 6 months of each other, rendering the Earth uninhabitable for the second time in the shows history. We produce a model for the rate of decay in Caesium-137 fallout radiation levels. We discover that the total radiation, when averaged over the surface of the Earth, is 4.63 Sv yr-1km-2. We also calculate that it would take 156 years until the Earth's surface reached a safe level of radiation.




How to Cite

Cook, N. E., Baldwin, E. J., Beedle, T. J., & Evershed, M. E. (2017). P5_2 Praimfaya: The Second Nuclear Apocalypse. Physics Special Topics, 16(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/2437