P1_3 The Aerodynamics of Pterodactyl Flight


  • Roisin Boadle Physics
  • Emma Wigfield
  • Amanjit Dulay


This article discusses the aerodynamic feasibility of pterodactyl flight. The different situations of gliding and flapping are covered, and the perils of a stalling wing introduced. It is concluded that, assuming a similar build to a modern wandering albatross, the pterodactyl could have glided through the air if the wind was strong enough, but would have fallen if required to flap its wings in a gentle wind.




How to Cite

Boadle, R., Wigfield, E., & Dulay, A. (2009). P1_3 The Aerodynamics of Pterodactyl Flight. Physics Special Topics, 8(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/2254