A5_6 Pyramid of Geezers


  • Hayley Jane Allison
  • Jordan Iain Penney
  • Roger Paul Leyser
  • Giles Christopher Lipscombe



An investigation is conducted into the maximum size of the popular challenge, the ‘human pyramid’. Under the assumption that the formation consists of people with perfect balance, the limitations upon the size therefore arise from the strength of the individuals. It is found that for a pyramid consisting of males of uniform mass, the maximum height is four tiers, potentially five if the individuals were marginally stronger than average. For a pyramid of men, women, and children, assembled with the highest mass on the base, the maximum achievable height was six tiers.




How to Cite

Allison, H. J., Penney, J. I., Leyser, R. P., & Lipscombe, G. C. (2014). A5_6 Pyramid of Geezers. Physics Special Topics, 13(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/2220