A4_4 Deeper Than Any Elephant Has Gone Before


  • Adam Higgins
  • Alex Foden
  • Jonathan Sallabank
  • Claire Sullivan



In this paper, the depth of an Olympic size swimming pool required to crush an elephant is calculated. The depth of the swimming pool required to half the volume of an elephant was calculated to be 1.02 x 106 m (1020km) equivalent to a pressure of 1.004 x 1010 Pa (approximately 100000 times that of atmospheric pressure). Although this is an overestimate, it shows the strength of bone.




How to Cite

Higgins, A., Foden, A., Sallabank, J., & Sullivan, C. (2014). A4_4 Deeper Than Any Elephant Has Gone Before. Physics Special Topics, 13(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/2189