P1_4 Liberating Venus' Atmosphere


  • Oliver East
  • Chak Li
  • Emma Longstaff
  • Mark Fletcher


Venus could quite possibly be habitable if the atmosphere was similar to that of the Earth. In this journal we investigated the implication of removing a portion of Venus' atmosphere, and how much energy it would require to do so. From some general assumptions and calculations, we found that the energy required to liberate enough atmosphere to make it similar to that of Earth's to be 2.5 x1028J.




How to Cite

East, O., Li, C., Longstaff, E., & Fletcher, M. (2013). P1_4 Liberating Venus’ Atmosphere. Physics Special Topics, 12(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/2132