A2_12 None Like It Hot II


  • Simon Clapton
  • Calum Meredith
  • David Boulderstone


This article presents an extension of the work in ‘A2_9 None Like It Hot’, and investigates whether a feat such as moving the Earth would be plausible given conventional rocket technology. It is found that the mass of fuel necessary to perform the Hohmann transfer is only a few orders of magnitude smaller than the mass of the Earth. The number of rockets will make only a small difference due to the nature of the relationship between the two values.




How to Cite

Clapton, S., Meredith, C., & Boulderstone, D. (2011). A2_12 None Like It Hot II. Physics Special Topics, 9(1). Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/pst/article/view/1968