What Would the World Be Like to a Borrower?


  • Jonathan Panuelos Honours Integrated Science Program, McMaster University
  • Laura Green Honours Integrated Science Program, McMaster University


Film, Biology, Physics, Fluid dynamics, Scaling biological systems, Acoustics, Vision, The Borrowers


The plausibility of the existence of miniscule, human-like creatures known as “Borrowers” in Studio Ghibli’s film, The Secret World of Arrietty, is called into question as a variety of factors prevent such life from being viable. Humans, scaled-down sixteen-fold isometrically, would encounter many problems at Arrietty’s scale, having reduced hearing and sight, extremely high voice pitch, and inability to maintain normal body temperatures.


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How to Cite

Panuelos, J., & Green, L. (2017). What Would the World Be Like to a Borrower?. Journal of Interdisciplinary Science Topics, 5. Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/jist/article/view/813


