Human Body Vaporisation


  • Nearchos Stylianidis The Centre for Interdisciplinary Science, University of Leicester
  • Olorunfunmi Adefioye-Giwa The Centre for Interdisciplinary Science, University of Leicester
  • Zane Thornley The Centre for Interdisciplinary Science, University of Leicester


Science fiction trope, Physics, Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Vaporisation, Power-Energy


Hypothetically, how much energy would be required to completely vaporise the human body? This would be the amount of energy that would completely dissociate the chemical bonds of the body. In this paper, we focus on the energy that would be required to dissociate the human skeleton. For simplicity, we determine this by considering only the bond energy of bonds that make up the bone mineral, calcium hydroxyapatite, assuming it makes up 100% of the bone. The energy obtained was 89.8J for a person with a mass of 78kg.


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How to Cite

Stylianidis, N., Adefioye-Giwa, O., & Thornley, Z. (2017). Human Body Vaporisation. Journal of Interdisciplinary Science Topics, 2. Retrieved from


