Potential adaptations of an E. Coli Colony on the surface of Venus


  • Emily Jane Burrows University of Leicester


Extra-terrestrial Life, Biology, Astrobiology, Bacteria, E.coli, Evolution, Venus


The conditions of the surface of Venus are extremely harsh, and there is no naturally evolved life on Venus. E. coli is a bacteria with a number of subtypes and adaptations to varying environments. This paper covers a number of adaptations a theoretical colony of E. coli bacteria could evolve, based on pre-existing adaptations of E. coli to its natural environments.


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How to Cite

Burrows, E. J. (2023). Potential adaptations of an E. Coli Colony on the surface of Venus. Journal of Interdisciplinary Science Topics, 10. Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/jist/article/view/4338


