What type of levitation works best for levitating a broom from “Harry Potter”?


  • Daniel Draycott University of Leicester, Natural Sciences


Harry Potter, Magnetic levitation, Diamagnetism, Physics, Magic, Broomstick, Quidditch


In this paper, the topic of levitation is discussed in the context of a broom’s flight, and we ascertain which method would be most suitable for flight. Diamagnetism is the best effect to use as the internal field of the atoms and molecules within the diamagnetic material is lined up in opposition with an external field, this causes a repulsive force and if this repulsive force is strong enough then it leads to levitation. This investigation also advocates for active levitation as a method for controlling the magnetic force, and therefore the displacement of the broom.


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How to Cite

Draycott, D. (2022). What type of levitation works best for levitating a broom from “Harry Potter”?. Journal of Interdisciplinary Science Topics, 9. Retrieved from https://journals.le.ac.uk/index.php/jist/article/view/4052


