History of substance use and control in British Guiana


  • Kellie Moss University of Leicester
  • Deborah Toner University of Leicester




Whilst the impact of drugs on the culture of Caribbean societies and Indigenous populations is well documented, their role in maintaining influence over an ethnically diverse population and regulating labour productivity are frequently overlooked. In this paper we examine the use of drugs as a means of compelling and retaining labour in British Guiana during the nineteenth century. We also assess changes over time in how the colonial state managed concerns that the use of intoxicants threatened its control over the labouring population through licensing laws, carceral institutions and the criminalisation of certain drugs.


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How to Cite

Moss, K., & Toner, D. (2020). History of substance use and control in British Guiana. LIAS Working Paper Series, 4. https://doi.org/10.29311/lwps.202143757


