Insanity and Imprisonment in British Guiana, 1814-1966


  • Clare Anderson University of Leicester
  • Kellie Moss University of Leicester
  • Estherine Adams University of Guyana



This paper explores links between incarceration and enslavement, migration, and mental health, in the colony of British Guiana. Contemporaries recognised the negative impact that mobility and labour had on the health and well-being of enslaved persons and Asian immigrants, including on plantations. Understandings of ‘insanity’ later developed to bring ideas about biology, context, and behaviour into dialogue, including through the racialisation of its prevalence and character amongst the colony’s diverse population. Before the construction of separate institutions, people who were believed to be suffering from mental illness were sometimes kept in jails, and due to a lack of capacity this continued even after lunatic asylums were developed from the 1840s. At the same time, colonial administrators recognised that incarceration itself could cause mental ill-health, and as such into the early twentieth century British Guiana engaged with global debates about criminal insanity.


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- 1826-7 [008] Papers in explanation of the measures adopted by His Majesty’s government for the melioration of the condition of the slave population in His Majesty’s possessions in the West Indies, and on the continent of South America, and at the Cape of Good Hope. In continuation of the papers presented in the year 1926. Part II. 1827. (Berbice. Trinidad. Cape of Good Hope): An Ordinance for promoting the Religious Instruction and bettering the State and Condition of the Slave Population in His Majesty’s Colony of Berbice [Slave Code], 23 October 1826.

- 1830-31 [334] Gaols, West Indies. Copies of Correspondence relative to the State of the Gaols in the West Indies and the British Colonies in South America; and also, of any instructions which have been sent out from the Colonial Office relative to such Prisons, 30 March 1831: Extract from the Appendix to the Report of the Legal Commissioners, Commissioners Jabez Henry and Fortunatus Dwarris to Sir George Murray, secretary of state for war and the colonies, 4 June 1829.

- 1867-68 [3961] Prison Discipline in the Colonies. Digest and Summary of Information Respecting Prison in the Colonies, supplied by the Governors of Her Majesty’s Colonial Possessions, in answer to Mr Secretary Cardwell’s Circular Despatches of the 16th and 17th January 1865 (London: HM’s Stationery Office, 1867): Governor Francis Hincks, British Guiana, to Buckingham and Chandos, secretary of state for the colonies, 7 December 1867.

- 1871 [393] Report of the commissioners appointed to enquire into the treatment of immigrants in British Guiana (London: Clowes and Son, 1871), Appendix G: Case of Three Immigrants, indentured to Plantation Good Success, Wakenaam. Complaint of ill-usage by the Manager, Mr. Finlay Matheson, 15 December 1869.

- 1875 [1338]a Papers Relating to the Improvement of Prison Discipline in the Colonies (London, Harrison and Sons, 1875): Report on the Penal Settlement at Massaruni for 1873, 24 February 1874, enc. W.S.B. Pollard, Surgeon HMPS Mazaruni, to Superintendent T. Sealy, 6 February 1874.

- 1875 [1338]b Papers Relating to the Improvement of Prison Discipline in the Colonies (London, Harrison and Sons, 1875): W.F. Haynes Smith, Attorney General, to W.A.G. Young, secretary to government, 28 November 1874.

- 1875 [1338]c Papers Relating to the Improvement of Prison Discipline in the Colonies (London, Harrison and Sons, 1875): Report on the Penal Settlement at Massaruni for 1873, 24 February 1874.

- [C.1517] Further papers relating to the improvement of prison discipline in the colonies, Harrison and Sons, 1876: J. Brumell, Director of Prisons, to W.A.G. Young, Secretary to government, 1 March 1875.




How to Cite

Anderson, C., Moss, K., & Adams, E. (2020). Insanity and Imprisonment in British Guiana, 1814-1966. LIAS Working Paper Series, 4.


