Building consensus to enhance research: A study protocol to determine the top issues to improve outcomes of Silver Trauma


  • Abdullah Alshibani Department of Health Sciences, University of Leicester / King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences
  • Simon Conroy University of Leicester



Silver trauma research has several obstacles including complexity in determining research priorities and the lack of strong evidence to improve outcomes for injured older adults (especially evidence from the United Kingdom). Therefore, this study aims to identify, investigate, and prioritise the top research priorities to improve outcomes of injured older adults. The study will also highlight the current issues in trauma care for older people and contribute a collaborative and interdisciplinary work among experts who are interested in trauma care for older people.

Methods and analysis: This study uses a three-step modified Delphi technique. The process consists of a divergent phase to elicit a broad range of views, a convergent ranking process in the second round (ranking the issues identified in round I), and a consensus meeting in the third round (determining to the top three issues of those met the predetermined consensus threshold in round II). 

Ethics and dissemination: The ethical approval of this study is currently underway with the University of Leicester, UK. The findings of this study will be published and presented in relevant conferences. 

Author Biographies

Abdullah Alshibani, Department of Health Sciences, University of Leicester / King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences

PhD/Doctoral Researcher at University of Leicester, Lecturer at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences

Simon Conroy, University of Leicester



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How to Cite

Alshibani, A., & Conroy, S. (2019). Building consensus to enhance research: A study protocol to determine the top issues to improve outcomes of Silver Trauma. LIAS Working Paper Series, 2.


