Urban mobility and inequalities. Some perspectives from different disciplines





Urban mobility is one of the key aspects of urban planning and development. It plays an important role in the achievement of a resilient, inclusive and sustainable city. However, the complex interrelations of urban mobility, transportation and other city dimensions implies the need of an interdisciplinary approach to understand and plan it. In this brief paper, we discuss the social aspects of urban mobility and inequality and how it has been addressed in the literature. We also show different ways of gathering data relevant for the understanding of urban mobility, their sizes, scopes, and nature. Finally, we aim to promote an interdisciplinary debate based on our academic literature review about the relationship of urban mobility with social variables such as poverty.


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How to Cite

Lotero Velez, L., Darler, W., & Gunn, S. (2019). Urban mobility and inequalities. Some perspectives from different disciplines. LIAS Working Paper Series, 2. https://doi.org/10.29311/lwps.201923173


