Sex workers in Nairobi: Services users at BHESP


  • Rahma Hassan Bar Hostess Empowerment & Support Programme (BHESP)
  • Teela Sanders University of Leicester
  • Peninah Mwangi Bar Hostess Empowerment & Support Programme (BHESP)



This baseline pilot study was the joint work of the University of Leicester and Bar Hostess Empowerment and Support Programme. Bar Hostess Empowerment & Support Programme (BHESP) is an organisation for and by sex workers (known as bar hostesses) in Nairobi, Kenya. The project consisted of experts in public health, human rights interventions and the sociology of sex work, who came together to develop and administer a unique research activity. The study further provided BHESP with baseline information on the various services provided and the gaps at the clinic, as well as barriers that young female sex workers face in returning to formal education, and /or pursuing their careers.


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How to Cite

Hassan, R., Sanders, T., & Mwangi, P. (2018). Sex workers in Nairobi: Services users at BHESP. LIAS Working Paper Series, 1.


