A Whole-Class Self-Assessment Method to Enhance Engagement with Feedback in Low-stakes, High-value Assessments in the Physical Sciences

David John McGarvey, Laura M Hancock


A readily implementable and effective whole-class face-to-face tutor-led student self-assessment method for enhancing engagement with feedback is described and discussed. Key features of the approach are the transfer of responsibility for writing feedback information from teachers to students within a tutor-led face-to-face dialogic feedback session, and students’ self-penned feedback annotations being distinguished from their original work by use of a distinctly coloured pen. Results of a student evaluation are reported and reveal that students perceive this approach as beneficial to their engagement with feedback, their assessment literacy and learning of chemistry.


self-assessment; assessment literacy; feedback engagement; feedback recipience; assessment for learning

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29311/ndtps.v0i14.3223

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