diagram of co-teaching elements

Co-teaching in higher education: Reflections from an early career academic

Andrew Kelly


Co-teaching has been regularly used as a pedagogical tool in K-12 and postsecondary learning environments for decades, yet its practice in higher education institutions has only recently started to grow in popularity. This paper builds on recent recommendations for effective co-teaching in tertiary teaching settings by offering critical reflections and suggestions for practice from an early career academic that specialises in academic literacies. Key concepts explored include developing co-teaching norms and pedagogies through a community of practice, establishing two-way dialogue, diversifying strengths of teaching teams, and enforcing continual reflection and feedback. The paper also provides contextualised guidance notes, so that university educators and program managers have a clearer direction as to how co-teaching teams could be implemented across a range of higher education teaching programs.


co-teaching; higher education; early career academic

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29311/jlthe.v1i2.2798


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