
Student-contributed podcasts to support transition to higher education

Palitha Edirisingha, Robert Cane, Mengjie Jiang, Chris Cane


Studies of undergraduates’ satisfaction, academic performance and retention in Higher Education (HE) identify the critical importance of the first year for shaping their attitudes and approaches to learning. Positive transition into HE has a direct impact on students’ later learning experience, particularly during their first year. Most interventions to support transitions are based on institution-driven approaches such as courses on learning and study skills. Here we describe how podcasting can be used to developing a new approach to support transition by tapping the knowledge and experience of current undergraduates. 


Transition to Higher Education, Student-contributions to learning; Podcasting, Learning Technologies, First-year experience.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29311/jlthe.v1i1.2360


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