Exhibition Review: Arte Liberata 1937-1947. Capolavori Salvati dalla Guerra, Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome, Italy, 16 December 2022 – 10 April 2023





cultural property protection, second world war, italy

Author Biography

Anna Tulliach, School of Museum Studies, University of Leicester

Anna Tulliach is a Research Fellow in Museum Studies at the University of Leicester, and an Associate Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.

She holds a PhD in Museum Studies from the University of Leicester, a BA in Cultural Tourism and a MA in Preservation of Cultural Heritage from the University of Bologna. Since 2012, she has conducted research projects on the safekeeping of museum collections during conflict, art looting and vandalism in World War II, and the museological practices adopted between the two World Wars (1921-44).

Her research interests include cultural property protection in wartime, art looting and vandalism in World War II, the military exploitation of cultural properties during conflict.




How to Cite

Tulliach, A. (2023). Exhibition Review: Arte Liberata 1937-1947. Capolavori Salvati dalla Guerra, Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome, Italy, 16 December 2022 – 10 April 2023. Museum & Society, 21(2), 74–77. https://doi.org/10.29311/mas.v21i2.4404



Exhibition Reviews